Sore Throat

Sore throat is a discomfort and pain in the throat, cause by viral or bacterial infection or environmental condition that may lead to any of various inflammation of the tonsils, larynx or pharynx characterized by a pain in swallowing. It has a lot of symptoms prior to each condition, but commonly it is associated with flu and colds.  Most sore throat is cause by a minor illness and heals without complication, but sore throat should not be disregarded because some may evolve into a more serious complication and illnesses.

Sore throat can be acute or chronic. The most common is acute sore throat, this kind of sore throat occur suddenly but will be heal for a few days not over a week.  A chronic sore throat heals much longer and the cause of having it is more often a complication from other uncured health condition and diseases.

It’s hard to prevent having a sore throat, it’s like a cold or flu, time and time after a sore throat is healed there is a change you will have a sore throat again. To minimize the risk of having a sore throat; Keep your body healthy, clean, avoid close contact with people having  a sore throat, minimize sharing of foods and eating utensils, don’t smoke and stay out of polluted environment. 

Sore Throat