· Gargle and rinsing your mouth with warm salt water
- Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt per glass of water, gurgle it thoroughly especially in your throat, do this every half an hour.
· Drink lots of warm fluids
- This will keep your throat smooth and lubricated, pineapple juice are good natural cure for viral infection, green tea is one of the best sore throat remedies it soothes the soreness and reduces the itchiness of the throat, honey and lemon are good natural medicine for viral infection, warm chicken broth help reduces the overall itchiness of the throat.
· Cold air humidifier
- Use a humidifier to eliminate dry air, dry air can irritate a sore throat.
· Stay warm and get extra rest and relaxation
- Warm room helps relieve hoarseness and a good extra rest and relaxation will help you recover from sore throat faster.
· Antibiotics
- Take antibiotics, in addition to antibiotics, doctors will also suggest taking pain reliever medicine to relieve throat pain.
· Listerine
- Drink, Swallow ¼ cap of Listerine, its sounds funny and crazy but many people try this and its true it stop the soreness, itchiness and pain in your throat within a minute. This is really good when your sore throat just started. ( on Listerine label it says “WARNING DO NOT DRINK” that’s really right if you drink too much and its dangerous to your health because of the alcohol, ¼ cap of Listerine is not a cause of concern and wont danger your health. )
Sore Throat Home Remedy